January 17, 2013 - Look of the Day
Jan 17, 2013
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LRG and Entree Lifestyle button down shirts & Timberland construction boots[/caption]
\What's winter without the classic 6" Timberland boot? Stay classy while doing it B.I.G. - a look straight out of Bed Stuy (a fav of the late great notorious). Keep your feet warm (and dry! this ish is 100% waterproof) while trekking through snow or trekking to work. These boots are a must have in anyone's winter rotation.
And nobody says 'no' to a good button down, especially when it comes compliments of LRG and Entree Lifestyle. Throw these on when it's time to impress and it'll always get the job done.
Pick up your gear at Nohble - cause it's just that easy to be the sharpest dressed guy in the room.